Grunt 0.1.2 Is Available Now

Header for the blog post, with a Halo grunt in the background and text that says “Grunt Release On NuGet”

Shortly after the release, I’ve already gotten some feedback for improvements, so instead of waiting for a regular release, I just pushed the changes as part of a small library update on NuGet.

NuGet download link for OpenSpartan.Grunt

NuGet download link for OpenSpartan.Grunt with download counter

This change includes:

  • Better typing support for parsing match data, that closer aligns with the Halo Infinite data model. Latest version introduces PlaylistExperience and GameVariantCategory which map to specific types, so if you are looking match data, it’s much more human-readable than it was before.
  • Easier debugging by having the raw JSON included with each API response in the HaloApiResultContainer object.
  • HIUGCListPlayerAssets supports query filtering
  • StatsGetMatchHistory supports query filtering, including by match type.
  • ConfigurationReader is now a static class that can be used to read local configuration data via ReadConfiguration.
  • Small improvements to the documentation comments in the code, so it’s easier to understand what classes do. This will be an incremental project to bring everything up to speed.

Providing Feedback#

Let me know on GitHub or Twitter.