Grunt 0.1.3 Is Available Now

Header for the blog post, with a Halo grunt in the background and text that says “Grunt 0.1.3 Is Available Now”

We’re on a roll with changes and quality of life improvements for the Grunt API wrapper, making it easier to access your own Halo Infinite match performance data.

NuGet download link for OpenSpartan.Grunt

NuGet download link for OpenSpartan.Grunt with download counter

Updated release includes the following changes:

  • Grifball added as a new multiplayer category in GameVariantCategory, so you no longer have to guess what a numeric variant represents.
  • XUID is no longer required to instantiate a HaloInfiniteClient. It’s mostly there as a convenient property that you can refer to later, but it is not required to create the class.
  • Match duration is now in standard TimeSpan format rather than a string. As it turns out, the data is represented as a XML schema-defined duration, which is not surprising given that the API does return results in XML format. However, this is not exactly useful for those consuming the wrapper and needing to parse the duration manually. They no longer have to do that. Thank you to the folks at @HaloDataHive for the feedback.
  • Support for proper RankedRewards type, thanks to Seth Skocelas on GitHub. Seth has opened an issue and a relevant pull request to make the change.
  • Improved API documentation coverage, adding some extra notes for a few types and properties.
  • Remove unused API endpoints. This is mostly a space-saving measure.
  • Mapping class names to XML types:
  • General naming updates, mostly for consistency and discoverability:
  • TeamMmrs in Result is now of type Dictionary<int, double> instead of Dictionary<string, double>.
  • ActiveChallenge, UpcomingChallenge, and CompletedChallenge classes were merged into one unified entity - Challenge.
  • ChallengeDecksResponse now contains a container for the active reward track.

Providing Feedback#

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