Grunt 0.1.5 Is Available Now

Header for the blog post, with a Halo grunt in the background and text that says “Grunt 0.1.4 Is Available Now”

Some small changes shipped today, that make the library stability and coverage better. I will try to, in the future, to bundle more changes in batches, but this release deserved its own push because there was a breaking change (on my part) on how player IDs are tracked (thanks to the folks at @HaloDataHive for the call-out).

NuGet download link for OpenSpartan.Grunt

NuGet download link for OpenSpartan.Grunt with download counter

This change includes:

  • Some missing serialization attributes are now in place for newly-introduced stats classes, making it possible to get those results through HaloInfiniteClient when necessary.
  • Improved documentation coverage for some classes.
  • Flagging some properties as nullable, since they can, in fact, contain null values from the JSON API.
  • Player type for match tracking is now represented in a human-readable enum - PlayerType, rather than a number.
  • Player ID is now back to a string instead of a GUID, since it should always be a XUID and not the same as an asset ID. This was an accidental change that should’ve been validated more directly.

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