Grunt 0.1.6 (Codename FlipFlop) Is Available Now

Header for the blog post, with a Halo grunt in the background and text that says “Grunt 0.1.6 Is Available Now”

To honor The Yappening event, I am delighted to announce that the 0.1.6 of Grunt on NuGet is officially out! It even has a codename - FlipFlop. This release is a relatively small one, but it does pave the way for some bigger changes.

NuGet download link for OpenSpartan.Grunt

NuGet download link for OpenSpartan.Grunt with download counter

This change includes:

  • There is now a WaypointClient class that is designed to talk to the Halo Waypoint APIs that are not directly associated with any of the Halo games. The first function here is RedeemCode that enables developers to perform code redemption operations (for codes such as those obtained through Xbox Game Pass perks), with more to come in the near future.
  • Client class fundamentals have been abstracted out behind ClientBase to make sure that any future implementations (let’s say, for Halo Wars 2 or Halo MCC) do not need to re-build the flows from scratch.
  • Documentation enhancements and code cleanup to make it easier to read and understand.
  • HIUGCPublishAssetVersion now correctly passes an empty body in the request.

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